Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Inuit and Northern Themes at the NAHO national conference

Join us for lively, informative discussions and workshops at “Our People, Our Health” – the National Aboriginal Health Organization’s national conference, November 24-26 in Ottawa.

The conference will showcase innovative research, policies, practices, and programs that address the health and wellness of Inuit, First Nations, and Métis.

Many of the presentations, sessions and workshops focus specifically on Inuit health and wellness. The plenaries and following sessions will have simultaneous Inuktitut-English interpretation:

“Inuit Traditional Medicines and Healing Practices” – this workshop and panel discussion with Inuit elders will explore traditional medicines and ways of healing. Featuring elders from various Inuit regions, the panel will talk about how traditional and modern-day practices help to keep communities healthy.

“Healthy Foods North: From Research to Community Intervention” – this session will focus on traditional food, nutrition, and results from the Healthy Foods North project.

“Community Speak: Stories and Action” – this session features presentations about innovative multi-media projects, including a radio drama to teach nutrition in Indigenous communities, and elder stories in an Inuit community.

“Data Usage in Community Driven Approaches” – this session highlights how data can be effectively used in programs, and includes a presentation from Pauktuutit Inuit Women of Canada about Inuit-specific gender based analysis and food security.

In addition Inuit Tuttarvingat, the Inuit-specific unit of NAHO, will present on several of its initiatives, including those related to mental wellness, health promotion and health messages, midwifery, health statistics, and cultural competency.

Canadian North is providing substantial discounted rates for Northern residents. More details about travel arrangements, registrations and the conference agenda are available on http://www.naho.ca/conference/english/index.php.

We hope to see you at “Our People, Our Health”.